
About conference

HSH-2018 is the twelfth International Summer Scientific School in the range of forums on High-Speed Hydrodynamics held in Cheboksary with the support and promotion of the scientist Academician L.I. Sedov from 1980 to 1996. Schools concentrate on theoretical and experimental problems, as well as on a wide range of results, obtained by many studies and scientists in this field. The goal of the scientific school is to promote interaction between researchers, engineers and mathematicians involved in the creation, development, application and investigation of high speed hydrodynamics phenomena.

The seventh school, held as the first International Summer Scientific School «High-Speed Hydrodynamics (HSH 2002)», was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Academician L.I. Sedov. Over one hundred participants from twelve countries took part in the School.

Since 2008, the HSH school has traditionally been dedicated to the anniversary of the birth of the famous Аcademician Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov, a native of the Chuvash land, who made a significant contribution to the world science of shipbuilding. The director of Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute MGOU prof. A.P. Akimov took an active part in the organization of HSH-2008 and HSH-2013,.

The forthcoming conference is dedicated to the 155th anniversary of Academician A.N. Krylov and conducted at the Ulianov Chuvash State University with the support of the rector A.Yu. Alexandrov.

Welcome to the summer scientific school HSH-2018!